Downton Abbey

On our Radar

On Lisa's radar

Burning_Love1.  Burning Love

Will you accept this hose?

That's right, it's *hose* not *rose.* And this show had me at *hose.*

Whether you're a Bachelor fan or not, you will laugh your ass off at this show on E! executive produced by Ben Stiller and including celebrities such as Kristen Bell and Jennifer Aniston. But politically correct TV watchers need not apply: Among this pool of women vying for the firefighter's love, there is a Panda (as in mascot), an elderly woman with a hearing problem and a perpetually drunk chick who wears no pants and shaves the Bachelor's initials "down there." #Iwillacceptthishose

DowntonAbbey2. Downton Abbey

I'm about three years late to this PBS party, but I am absolutely hooked. And now have a (not so) secret fantasy to be British. If you watch, you'll understand why (they basically tell each other to Eff off and die and then offer each other tea!) and if you don't yet watch, I guarantee you'll be sucked in by this pop culture phenomenon too (let's just say snarky, plotting service workers + intense sibling rivalry + tea and crumpets= perfection.)  The only downside of not being a watcher from the beginning is opening EW magazine and reading a spoiler alert and finding out every single person that's been killed off (um, a lot). #rookiemistake


Hashtag3. #Hashtag

#I #know #it #annoys #the #hell #out # of #some #people #but #I #can't #get #enough #of #hashtags. #I #use #them #all #the #time #with #reckless #abandon. #It's #such #a #quick #and #easy #way #to #say #things. #On #that #note #you #should #follow #Liz #and #I #on #Twitter.



Overwhelmed4. Overwhelmed by Tim McMorris

I have to give credit to Laura Dave for turning me on to this song. She said she was writing her next book while listening to it on replay so I was intrigued. (I love Laura's books.) And it turns out it's a beautiful song that does inspire. Let's just hope it helps me get my next chapter of our WIP to Liz! #itwasdueyesterday



Lightning-McQueen-disney-pixar-cars-772510_1700_11005. Cars

Yes, the animated movie from SIX years ago. Why? you ask. Well, I have a toddler. Need I say more? No, but I will... It's not just a great movie to let her watch so I can get sh*t done (like write this post!) but I've also discovered that it's actually really funny and entertaining. And I'm (not so) secretly bummed that Cars 2 sucks! #Ineedtogetoutmore