Hall of Fame

On our Radar by Liz

Lisa and I have been so knee-deep writing our next book that I've barely had time to come up for air!  But when I do--these are the latest things on my radar....

The Millionaire Matchmaker

Oh, how I love that beyotch Patti Stanger! Something about the way she puts those douchey millionaires in their place is addicting.  Yes, I have to try hard to ignore the fact that these gorgeous women would never even so much as glance at these guys unless they were loaded, but either way this is one hour of pure guilty pleasure for me and the hubs. (Shhh...don't tell anyone she watches it with me!) The best part of season 6? Millionairess Hello Kitty returns and redeems herself. (She's the one that gave that guy a hand job under the table...)  The worst part?  The creepy courtship of Patti and her new man. Ewww! Check out a clip below!

The Love Wars by L. Alison Heller

TheLoveWars_by_L_Alison_HellerOut on May 7th---don't miss this Devil Wears Prada-esque tale of a divorce lawyer who, after becoming fed up with her insanely rich and spoiled(and just plain insane!) clients, goes against her high-powered boss and clandestinely represents a woman who desperately needs her help. Heller's narrative is a breath of fresh air--fun and quick witted. Delightful from beginning to end!






Hall of Fame--The Script

I'm loving this catchy song by The Script, one of my new favorite bands.  Whether I'm rocking out on the way to school with the kids or writing the latest chapter in our next book--I can't get enough of it!  Check it out!


isagenixSo I'm doing the Isagennix 30 day cleanse in order to shed a few LBs for an upcoming trip.  And even thought I'm so hungry that I would consider beating your head in for a spicy tuna roll, it's okay.  I've lost 7 lbs int the last 12 days and it's getting a bit easier--the stuff they told me that tastes like "tea"(does NOT taste like tea!) doesn't even make me gag anymore.  This program is also good to cleanse if you have allergies or rashes.  But for me?  I just want to be able to stuff my face with warm brie and baguette in France next month without feeling like all those skinny french assholes are judging me.


#shipmypantscommercial #Kmart #controversy

I know some people have their panties in a wad about this Kmart commercial, but personally, I think it's hilarious.  And a big shout out to Kmart-who is now relevant for the first time in years!  Bravo!