
On our Radar

Liz here--I'm so excited to debut our latest feature, On Our Radar, where we'll be dishing on the things we're loving right now--anything from a TV show to music to lipstick.  Because when we love something, we want you to know about it! And hopefully, you'll join in the fun and tell us what you heart at the moment too!

On Liz's Radar


1. Nashville

nashville-poster_461x590No, not the city!  The TV show! To be honest, the first episode was just so-so.  But thank GAWD I stuck with it because it's my new favorite --Connie Britton is awesome and Hayden Panettiere has such a perfect country drawl that I've forgotten that she was ever a cheerleader that saved the world.  But what makes it really stand out is not just all the pretty people(hello, hot boys with cute accents and guitars!) and fun drama, but the MUSIC.  It's RAD.  And downloadable from iTunes--I've written most of our new book so far while listening to When The Right One Comes Along. Want to get in the action?  You can watch full episodes at FOR FREE!



2. Heart Like Mine by Amy Hatvany

41AN8prfBiL._SL500_AA300_Okay,  so here's the deal.  I'm an emotional robot and don't like to cry.  EVER.  But, damnit, I can never pass up Amy's emotionally fulfilling books.  So, there I am, reading the ARC of Heart Like Mine, ignoring my husband and children, turning the pages as fast as I can, devouring every word.  And then I felt some liquid substance started coming out of my eyes and I'm like WTF!  (*Maybe* they were tears. *Maybe* even major waterworks.  But let's just keep that between us--I have a rep to protect!)  But you know what?  It was worth it to have a good cry over Heart Like Mine--it's THAT good.  Do yourself a favor and pre-order it. (Out March 19th!)

Here's what it's about: Thirty-six-year-old Grace McAllister never longed for children. But when she meets Victor Hansen, a handsome, charismatic divorced restaurateur who is father to Max and Ava, Grace decides that, for the right man, she could learn to be an excellent part-time stepmom. After all, the kids live with their mother, Kelli. How hard could it be?

At thirteen, Ava Hansen is mature beyond her years. Since her parents’ divorce, she has been taking care of her emotionally unstable mother and her little brother—she pays the bills, does the laundry, and never complains because she loves her mama more than anyone. And while her father’s new girlfriend is nice enough, Ava still holds out hope that her parents will get back together and that they’ll be a family again. But only days after Victor and Grace get engaged, Kelli dies suddenly under mysterious circumstances—and soon, Grace and Ava discover that there was much more to Kelli’s life than either ever knew.

3. Neuma Hair Products

IMG_1701You may or may not know this, but I have some FRIZZY ASS hair.  It's never been a wash and go situation over here. My thick, horsey mane is hard to control! My hairdresser(is it still okay to call them that?) turned me on to Neuma last month and I am IN LOVE. I want to MAKE OUT with this stuff.  My hair behaves itself.  It looks shiny!  And most importantly, I don't have it wash it nearly as often. (Don't judge me!  Straightening that mane is a pain in the ass!) So, to my fellow frizzy-haired sisters,  run, don't walk down to your salon and pick this up.



4. The Funeral by Band of Horses

indexI know I already mentioned I'm loving the music on Nashville.  But here's another song that I've had on repeat for some time.  I heard it randomly and used my Shazam app to identify it. (Btw, how awesome is Shazam, right?)  I tend to lean towards sweet sounding, guitar playing women, but I fell in love with this tune form a few good men.  I've listened to it so often that my kids scream, Mommy No!, whenever it starts playing in the car.  Seriously?  After all the Radio Disney torture I've endured, I think they can indulge me.

Take a listen.  What do you think?




5. #TaylorSwiftBacklash?

1353181079_taylor-swift-gHave you seen it start?  The Taylor Swift backlash? She didn't seem too happy when Adele whipped her ass for Best Song at The Golden Globes.  Then she and that boy bander broke up.(They all look the same to me?) And then Michael J Fox (seriously? You know it's bad when Alex P Keaton is taking shots at you!) made some nasty comments about her. Just sayin', it seems like the tide is turning.  Personally, I don't have anything against her, except for the fact that I'm force fed her ridiculously catchy tunes every day on the way to school. (Damn you again Radio Disney!)  But, for her sake, I hope she comes up with some non-break up songs on her next album.




Sharing the e-book Love

It's been an amazing few days of celebrating and the party is only just getting started! And now that you've all (hopefully!) bought our latest novel, The D Word and our first book, I'll Have Who She's Having (combined you're spending less than a gallon of gas or the cost a fancy coffee drink) and emailed us the receipt to so you can be entered in the huge ass contest to win rad prizes (iPad 2 anyone?) we want to share the e-book love and tell y'all about some other great books you must download-stat! Click: An Online Love Story by Lisa Becker. When we found out Lisa Becker was from Manhattan Beach (one of Lisa Steinke's favorite places) and she'd also written a book about online dating (something that hit very close to home for Lisa Steinke- she still shudders at the thought of some of those cyberdates) we knew we had to read it. And it turned out to be hilarious, clever and full of fun! Click is the story of Renee Greene who is fast approaching her 30th birthday and finds herself not married, not dating, and without even a prospect or a house full of cats, so she reluctantly joins her best guy pal on a journey to find love online in Los Angeles. The story unfolds through a series of emails between Renee and her best friends (anal-retentive Mark, the overly-judgmental Gretchen and the over-sexed Shelly) as well as the gentlemen suitors she meets online. Fraught with BCC's, FWD's and inadvertent Reply to All's, readers will root for Renee to "click" with the right man.

Sound like a book you'll "click" on and download? For only $4.99 we say it's a no-brainer! And if you leave a comment, you'll be entered to win one of 5 copies of Click! We'll randomly select the winners after 6pm PST on Friday, June 17th.

Momfriends by Ariella Papa. The title alone had us wanting to read this one! Juicy, sassy and smart, it's about three Momfriends- Ruth, Claudia and Kirsten. After years of infertility treatments, Ruth finally has the baby she always wanted, but it’s more difficult than she’d ever imagined. She is almost at the end of her rope when a knock on her door changes everything. Claudia’s life is all about rules and achievement. She is determined to get her toddler twins into the right preschool and eventually Harvard. Everything is going to go according to plan until a flirtation with colleague makes her throw out her rule book. And Kirsten is an artist and a dreamer. She loves the life she made with her boyfriend, David, and their three kids, but lately David is distracted. Something is missing and what Kirsten discovers late one night confirms that her life is not everything she dreamed.

Sound like a book you'd like to read? We say at $4.99, you should definitely add it to your e-book line up for summer (and Ariella's written a few others that you should also check out)! And if you leave a comment, you'll be entered to win one of three copies of Momfriends. We'll randomly select the winner after 6pm PST on Friday, June 17th.

The Kitchen Shrink By Dee DeTarsio.  It's the story of Lisby Shaw who wonders when her life turn into a country music song? Probably when her best friend signed her up for the debut of the new reality TV show, The Kitchen Shrink, for the ultimate life and home makeover! Unable to squirm out of this “it will be fun” opportunity, Lisby tries to juggle her upstairs-behind-the-scenes-life with her downstairs-in-front-of-the-camera persona, where everything she says and does can and will be used against her. Hopefully, the show doesn't find out about her fling with that hunky carpenter. Or that she and her friend smoked hootch she found in her daughter's room. Lisby cannot believe what a freak show her life has become. At least no one knows about her crush on Sam, Sam, the Cameraman… Lisby tries to find her way as the TV cameras capture her every move, zooming in on drama with her kids, her ex, her mom and her best friend. Stay tuned for Lisby’s extreme close-up as she becomes a jilted laughingstock on national TV. All is lost…or is it?

We think you'll love this e-book and it's great price- just $2.99! And if you leave a comment, you'll be entered to win a FAB gift basket that includes an Amazon Kindle eGift of The Kitchen Shrink, Domestic Diva clean-up gloves, Five-in-one hammer/screwdriver tool AND a 1.5” Perdy Paintbrush. We'll randomly select the winners after 6pm PST on Friday, June 17th.

Twang: a novel by John Schlimm.  We love us some country music. Carrie Underwood. Kenny Chesney. The list goes on. So we were seriously diggin' this e-book from former Country Music publicist John Schlimm. But it doesn't matter if you're a country music fan because Twang: a novel, is a scandalous and LOL read for any pop culture junkie looking for a surefire beach read this summer. As a former celebrity publicist who worked with several Country Music megastars during his whirlwind tenure in Nashville, Schlimm’s eyes were opened wide, leaving him with an unmatched perspective of what really lies beneath the popular world of entertainment.  What resulted is a comical and unforgettable tale that follows several fictionalized superstars through the most dramatic and life-changing year in their careers.

So much fun and also a steal at $2.99!  And if you leave a comment, you'll be entered to win one of one of THREE ebook giftcards-one to Amazon, one to B&N and one to iBooks! We'll randomly select the winner after 6:00 pm PST on Friday, June 17th!

Thanks for sharing in the e-book love!


Liz & Lisa