The Snugg

On Our Radar

It's like we just blinked and summer was almost over, right?  But before we hit the beach one last time, we wanted to tell you about what we're lovin' right now.

CatFish: The TV Show

catfish-tv-show-350x262 Ever since our friend and author Dee Detarsio turned us on to this, we've been OBSESSED.  What should be ambush TV instead is a thoughtful, frightening and complicated look at the real truth of online relationships. We've developed a crazy crush on Nev, who's endless optimism and empathy for these poor, clueless souls makes Catfish much more meaningful than your average reality show.  You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll never look at your online friends the same way again.



The Snugg IPhone Case

imagesLiz is in love with her new iPhone case--The Snugg is easy to slip on off and comes in all kinds of sassy colors.  And considering the fact that she drops her phone several times before leaving the house each day, it's a good thing she's got some protection! #majorclutz



Covet by Tracey Garvis-Graves

CovetWe received an advanced copy of COVET (Out September 17th) and fell in love at first word.  An engrossing picture of marriage and family, Garvis-Graves' simple yet beautiful narrative made COVET one of our favorite books so far this year.  We promise you'll be thinking about these characters long after you read the last page.

The scoop: What if the life you wanted, and the woman you fell in love with, belonged to someone else?

Chris and Claire Canton's marriage is on life support. Downsized during the recession and out of work for a year, Chris copes by retreating to a dark place where no one can reach him, not even Claire. When he's offered a position that will keep him away from home four nights a week, he dismisses Claire's concern that time apart could be the one thing their fragile union can't weather. Their suburban life may look idyllic on the outside, but Claire has never felt so disconnected from Chris, or so lonely.

Local police officer Daniel Rush used to have it all, but now he goes home to an empty house every night. He pulls Claire over during a routine traffic stop and runs into her again at the 4th of July parade. When Claire is hired to do some graphic design work for the police department, her friendship with Daniel grows, and soon they're spending hours together.

Claire loves the way Daniel makes her feel, and the way his face lights up when she walks into the room. Daniel knows that Claire's marital status means their relationship will never be anything other than platonic. But it doesn't take long before Claire and Daniel are in way over their heads, and skating close to the line that Claire has sworn she'll never cross.

Addict by

Most authors will tell you that a good soundtrack is essential to writing.  So when Liz heard this song by, (she heard it on Catfish, did we mention she's OBSESSED?!) she knew she just HAD TO HAVE IT. And now she irritatingly listens to it on repeat.  Again. And again. And again.

Big Brother live tweets

wtw-BigBrother15-cast-jpg_195620Okay--Liz here.  I'm embarrassed to admit that I watch Big Brother each and every summer.  Except these days I just don't have time to tune in three days a week to see what those miserable house guests are up to. (Is it just me, or are they total Aholes this season?) So instead?  I'm in love with Big Brother Leak on Twitter--a guy who live tweets all the catfights and other drama.  He watches so I don't have to! It's effing brilliant! So, for the three other other people out there that watch Big Brother, you're welcome!