What's on Liz & Lisa's Bucket List?

We're still jumping up and down Oprah audience member style over your overwhelming support of the publication of our second novel, The D Word and the re-release of our debut book, I'll Have Who She's Having . Thank you! Warning: Shameless self promotion coming in 5, 4, 3, 2...1

And...don't forget about  The D Word HUGE ASS giveaway!

Here's how the contest will work-It's simple!
  • Buy The D Word (only 2.99!) and email us the receipt at  Lizandlisa@chicklitisnotdead.com to receive an entry to the contest. There is no limit on the number of entries. Every copy of The D Word purchased= one entry.

All receipts must be received by TUESDAY JUNE 21st at MIDNIGHT PST and this contest open to US/Canada only.

We also have ONE more way you can win a great prize:

If you post a review of EITHER The D Word or I'll Have Who She's Having on GoodReadsBarnes & Noble or Amazon and send us the link to the review to  Lizandlisa@chicklitisnotdead.com by July 14, 2011 at midnight PST, you'll be entered to win a DXG 720p high-defintion camera. You can receive one entry for the review of each book for a maximum of two entries.  Doesn't matter if you've loved or absolutely hated the book(although we're crossing our fingers you like it...), you'll still be entered to win!  We'll choose the winner by random drawing. US/Canada Only.

So we just have to say that we're loving participating in our own features (and hope you are too!?) like Tuesday's 5 Things You didn't know...yesterday's 5 Do's and a Do-Over and today's Bucket List.

ON THAT NOTE: We may be attached at the hip (even while living 2,000 miles apart). We may also have many of the same likes- Macbooks, hot men under twenty-five (Roar!) and getting our gamble on in Vegas, to name a few. And we've obviously known each other a very, very long time (to put it in perspective, parachute pants were a wardrobe staple when we met). But we happen to have very different lists of what we'd like to accomplish before, um, it's all said and done.


Liz's Bucket List

1. Start a charitable foundation. I don't know about you, but I always feel so helpless when I read stories about people that need help.  Especially if has anything to do with kids or animals(cue waterworks!).  My brother works with the amazing human rights agency  IJM, that that secures justice for victims of slavery, sexual exploitation and other forms of violent oppression.  So I have this secret dream of coming up with a large sum of money(But I thought I'd look like an ass if I put "winning the lottery" on this list) and poach him from IJM to start my foundation.  What would my foundation do, you ask?  I haven't got that far yet.  But I know that I'd be able to pick up the phone and *really* help next time I'm watching the nightly news.

2. Become a foster parent. Okay, so let me just say up front that I have no business putting this on my bucket list.  Between my two kids, two dogs, full-time job and my writing, I barely have time to breathe most days, let alone take on another child.  But there's something in me that REALLY wants to.  Like a heart-hurting, lump-in-throat-inducing reaction whenever I read something about fostering or talk to others who have.  So we'll see.  Oh, it would probably help if the hubs was on board with it too, right?  For now, I'm working on asking him if we can foster an animal.  Baby steps, people.

3. Be a contestant on The Amazing Race. Even though I turn into a complete bitch when I'm hot, hungry or tired, I'm dying to be on this show.  So when Lisa told me HELL TO THE NO when I asked her to be my partner, I decided to take the next best thing-her husband.  We applied in February with a very poor Flip video that featured an introduction from *someone* that was postpartum and VERY cranky. (Lisa!)  So we'll try it again with a new video and cross our fingers.  Although I think Lisa and my husband may be crossing our fingers that we won't!

Lisa's Bucket List

1. Own a beach house. There's something about the ocean, the waves, the sand (okay, maybe not the sand so much) that centers me. That clears my head and makes me feel like I can do anything. So someday, whether it be in Maui, Manhattan Beach (or even both!), I will own a home that overlooks the ocean. Even if it's a little shack amidst mansions, I'll take it.

2. Travel around the world. As cliche as it may be, it's definitely on my list to travel, travel, travel. I'm lucky that my passport has already been stamped numerous times. But there are still so many countries I want to see (China, Germany, Greece- to name a few). I love to to experience different ways of life, the foods (oh how I love the food- and drink!) and the history. There's something about being far from home that excites me. In my dream scenario, I'd be able to pack up and travel for months on end before heading back to reality.

3. Sit courtside at the Lakers. I want to be Jack Nicholson. I want to sit courtside at every Lakers game. yes, we're talking courtside season tickets. I want to overhear Leo Dicaprio's conversation and high five with Justin Timberlake. Kobe Bryant can drip his sweat on me. Pau Gasol can throw a ball in my face. Derek Fisher can fall on me. I'll take it all! I'm a huge Lakers fan and can think of nothing better than being that close to the action!


Liz & Lisa


8 Things Liz & Lisa didn't know about...Julie Metz

We love memoirs over here at Chick Lit is not Dead,  especially the ones that read like good fiction.  You know, when you have to keep stopping and reminding yourself that these things ACTUALLY HAPPENED to the author! When Liz picked up Perfection: A Memoir of Betrayal and Renewal by Julie Metz in Target a few weeks ago, she was immediately drawn to Julie's amazing story. Because let's face it ladies-there's a part of us that loves to read about other people's dirty laundry!

Julie's life changed forever when her husband collapsed in her kitchen and died in her arms, leaving her a single mother in a small town.  But that was only the beginning-she soon began to find out that he had hidden another life from her.  Her narrative is honest and insightful, her storytelling pitch perfect.  And as we did many times, you'll wonder what the hell you'd do if it had happened to you. You'll cheer for Julie as she begins to pick up the pieces of her broken life and rebuild.

But don't just take out word for it-Perfection quickly became a NYT bestseller upon it's release. AND Oprah thought Julie's story was so compelling that she invited her to be a guest!  In fact, Julie's episode is re-airing this Friday, July 30th.  Make sure to set your Tivo! Or you can find it here.

And we're so lucky that she's sharing not five, but EIGHT things we didn't know about her.  And we were excited to discover that, like us, she has more books than she knows what to do with.  And wait until you find out at what age she got her drivers license!

We also have three SIGNED copies to give away to our fabulouso readers. You know what to do-just leave a comment and we'll select the winners randomly this Friday evening.


1. I move houses more than I'd like...and every time I do...like now...I wish I didn't own quite so many books. But once they are unpacked it's like seeing old friends again.

2. I never really had a granny, but my old kitty Sweetie Pie kind of takes her place. She's a bit dottery but absolutely lovable, and still likes to show up for meals, ours most of all and always has something to say.

3. A lot of readers ask me when someone will make Perfection into a movie...the answer is, soon. I just sold the film option, so stay tuned!

4. I like telling my daughter a story about college, how we stole tea trays from the dorm kitchen one winter evening, and went sledding. Some apricot brandy was involved.

5. As a young woman I loved traveling alone and was surprisingly fearless. I still remember so many of the people I met on European trains and the chocolate covered cookies we shared—cheap and filling.

6. I finally quit smoking at 34...it took at least ten tries.

7. I learned to drive late, at 27. I have been to a hypnotist on two occasions hoping to overcome my fear of city driving.

8. I have a bit of a green thumb that always surprises me. I think it's because I talk to the plants. My mom always said it worked, so I have continued the tradition.

Thanks Julie! xoxo, Liz & Lisa

To read more about Julie, head on over to her Facebook page or find her on Twitter.

Writing Wednesday: Divine Diversions by Liz

I'm in a slump.  A writing slump.  After working like crazy on the The D Word and then battling our way through the query process I find myself a bit, um, unmotivated while we wait patiently for our dream agent to realize that we're the next big thing in publishing. So rather than pitching articles and brainstorming ideas in my spare time, I've been Facebooking with reckless abandon.  And RTing my face off on Twitter. And I even downloaded that Oprah tell-all biography to my Nook last week.  It was clear- I had officially hit my diversion rock bottom.

So when it came time to write about writing, I was perplexed.  Because besides this blog and a few other things, I haven't been doing much writing at all this past month. (Unless you count Facebook status updates. I've been killing it over there!)  I picked up my trusty journal, dusted it off and opened it up to find only empty pages.  Where, oh where, had my inspiration gone?

So I did what any self-respecting blogger does in this situation.  I decided to write about why I'm not writing. My editing downfall.  My own version of internet crack.


Since spending so much time over on "The Book"(that's what I like to call it), I've noticed a few things.  Or rather, a few types of Facebookers that make me shake my head, LOL, LMAO, ROTF or hit the "Hide" button.  Have you seen these people? Are YOU one of these people?  It's okay if you are.  As a self-proclaimed Facebook whore, I'll be friends with ya anyway.

1. The Facebook Bulimic

It's all or nothing for this person.  You won't hear a peep from them for two months and then BAM! They throw up all over your page, your pics and your status, then disappear as quickly as they came- not to be heard from until their next purge.  A "like" or even a "ha!" in between would go a long way. Consistency please!

2. The Embarrasser

I personally think there's a little bit of this one in all of us.  I've posted my fair share of junior prom and GNO gone wrong pics.  But there are some people that won't rest until every single picture from the 80's and 90's has been posted and tagged.  Until every bad fashion decision and aqua-net inspired hairstyle has been revealed. How many times do I have to defend my pre-tweezed eyebrows?  For the last time, I was going for that whole Brooke Shields look!

3. The Debbie Downer

I felt real bad the first time your kids got sick.  And it really sucked when you got that flat tire.  And when your flight was delayed I still was hoping you were just having a run of bad luck.  But when it never ended I realized you were Debbie Downer: Facebook edition and hit the "hide" button faster than you could say Farmville.

4. The Politician

Left, right or in the middle, I don't want to talk politics on FB. I'm just there to check out if my exes moved on with someone hotter than me, not to watch "Meet the Press".  And the ensuing political comment battles that go on?  Ugh. I'd rather be subjected to a million Mafia Wars posts. And that's saying a lot. Can't we all just get along?

5. The Non-Responder

I'm sad to say that my husband falls squarely into this category.  In fact, maybe I even over-Facebook in a misguided attempt to make up for his non-responsiveness.  Tag him in a old picture back when he had a mullet?  Never gonna say a thing.  Write a sweet nothing on his wall?  It will forever sit there untouched.  Give him a poke?  Nada.  Nothing.  Well, in Facebookland anyway.  It goes over much better in person at home. =)

What divine diversions do you indulge in? Leave a comment to be entered to win one of three copies of Chelsea Handler's latest, CHELSEA CHELSEA BANG BANG!

xoxo, Liz