
The D Word HUGE ASS Giveaway

Yep, you read that right-it's time to announce the details of The D Word HUGE ASS giveaway.  We're so freakin' excited that our launch is almost here! We'll be going global tomorrow, but as some of you already know, The D Word and the relaunch version of I'll Have Who She's Having are already up on many of your favorite eBook sites.  But more on that in a minute.  Right now, we know you want to know what's included in the HUGE ASS giveaway!

We did a poll recently on our Facebook page and discovered that although many of you have eReaders, some of you still haven't gotten around to getting one.  So we thought it would be fitting to give you chance to win something to read The D Word and I'll Have Who She's Having with.  And not just an eReader, but an IPAD2. And that's just the beginning!

Here's how the contest will work-It's simple!

  • Buy The D Word(only 2.99!) and email us the receipt at  Lizandlisa@chicklitisnotdead.com to receive an entry to the contest. There is no limit on the number of entries. Every copy of The D Word purchased= one entry. (Hint: it's very easy to gift it to others on Amazon-all you need is their email address!)

That's it!  So now that you know how easy it is to enter, would you like to know what you could win?

1.  iPad2 (with wifi, 16 GB)  w/sassy zebra cover! (iPad valued at $499)

No eReader?  No problem!  Now you can read The D Word on your sassy new Ipad2.  And when you're done, you can Facetime with your hubs, get a triple word score on Scrabble or have your way with those Angry Birds!  And hey, don't forget to swing by here once in a while.


2. DXG high-defintion camcorder(valued at $299)

Need to capture that special moment? The DXG-A80V is one of the top of the line products in DXG’s new Pro Gear line.  With impressive features such as 1080p HD video capture, 12X optical zoom, a 10 megapixel still camera and touch screen controls on a 3-inch LCD display!  You'll have some serious Mommy cred if you show up with this at the next dance recital.

3. Makeup and Skincare basket from 2nd Street Beauty(valued at $250)

There's nothing we love more than trying new makeup!  You'll love this beauty basket filled with tons of goodies from your favorite brands. Located in Southern California, 2nd Street Beauty is THE place to get the latest and greatest beauty products.  Check out their Facebook page.

4. Oakley Sunglasses ($120 value) Holbrook Style, Matte Black

How cool will you be this summer cruising on the beach with your brand spankin' new sunglasses? Enjoy these awesome shades from Oakley that will keep you cool when things heat up.


5. Set of 50 flat cards with envelopes from Creative Blu ($100 value)

Enjoy 5o beautiful cards with envelopes in a gorgeous stationary box from Creative Blu.  They are our one stop shop for all invites, stationary, bookmarks and MORE!  They've also been featured on on My Fair Wedding with David Tutera and did a FABU job on Liz's ten year vow renewal invites.  Seriously, you can't go wrong with anything from Creative Blu!

6. SIGNED set of Laura Dave's books

Laura Dave is one of our all-time fave authors and we were thrilled that she loved THE D WORD! Now you can have a signed copy of each of her three FABULOUS books- London is the Best City in AmericaThe Divorce Party AND her latest release, The First Husband and see for yourself why we're on pins and needles waiting for her next one.

All receipts must be received by TUESDAY JUNE 21st at MIDNIGHT PST and this contest open to US/Canada only.

Are you guys excited yet?! Because we also have ONE more way you can win.

If you post a review of EITHER The D Word or I'll Have Who She's Having on GoodReadsBarnes & Noble or Amazon and send us the link to the review to  Lizandlisa@chicklitisnotdead.com by July 14, 2011 at midnight PST, you'll be entered to win a DXG 720p high-defintion camera. You can receive one entry for the review of each book for a maximum of two entries.  Doesn't matter if you've loved or absolutely hated the book(although we're crossing our fingers you like it...), you'll still be entered to win!  We'll choose the winner by random drawing. US/Canada Only.

WHEW!  Now let's talk about how you can get your hands on these books and enter to win these fab prizes!

1. Have an eReader or iPad already? GREAT!  Find The D Word and I'll Have Who She's Having at Amazon, Barnes & NobleiBooks and Smashwords.

2. Don't have an eReader but want to read it? No problem!  Just download Kindle for PC or Kindle for Mac and you can download to your computer is less than a minute.   Have an iPad but want to use your Amazon or B&N account?  Then download the Nook or Kindle apps to your iPad and get reading!  You could even download it to your iPhone OR iTouch via iBooks!  Have a Android phone?  Then download Kindle for Android and read it on your phone or tablet!

Thanks so much for all your support these past few weeks as we frantically try to get ready to launch The D Word.  We truly appreciate each and every one of you who takes the time to swing by here and support the site.  We hope you enjoy The D Word and look forward to hearing from all of you!  Thank you, thank you, thank you for being so incredibly awesome.  It means the world to us!

xoxo, L&L


Cavanaugh Lee's 5 Do's and a Do-Over

Fact:  Liz is addicted to her Crackberry Blackberry. Whether she's working, playing or pretending to be paying attention in a meeting, she's always just waiting for that little red asterisk to pop up.  And Lisa's not much better-she loves her iPhone so much that's she's found a way to send emails from it while pumping breast milk.  Now that's talent! So when Save as Draft by Cavanaugh Lee landed on our doorstop last month-we were intrigued to read about Izabell's online adventures.  And we were happy to discover it was a fun and sassy read that we gobbled up in just a few days.

A love triangle evolving over e-mails, texts, and Facebook messages that makes you wonder if the things we leave unsaid—or rather unsent—could change the story of our lives. Izabell is a wactress (waitress/actress) turned lawyer who lives her life online. (Don’t we all these days?)

She's got this problem. . . . There’s this guy. His name’s Peter. He’s her best friend and co-worker, and she just started dating, which is potentially a huge mistake. But, that’s not all. There’s this other guy, Marty. She met him on eHarm, and he ran with the bulls in Spain. She can’t get him off her mind. What a mess.

Sounds fun, right? We have FIVE copies to give away!  Just leave a comment and you'll be entered to win!  we'll choose the winners Sunday March 13th after 1pm PST.

And we're thrilled that Cavanaugh is sharing her Do's and a Do-over for the Electronic age.  Because, I think we all have a few friends on Facebook that could benefit from her advice!


5 DO’S

1.  DO make sure you’re actually communicating and not just “communicating.” I mean, really, say what you mean and mean what you say.  Ask yourself these questions as you type any critical email:

a.    Has all this technology made it easier or harder to communicate?

b.     Are we using it to express ourselves more fully, or to edit/fabricate ourselves?

c.     Are we communicating more when we write hundreds of emails a day, or are we actually not saying anything at all?

d.     If we spend hours crafting the perfectly witty email, have we told the truth?

e.     Are we hiding behind an “electronic spine” as our fingers press the keys?

f.      Have we sacrificed a genuine connection in favor of a wireless connection?

2.  If you like someone, DO email: “I like you” (or something to that effect). If you don’t like someone, DO type: “I’m just not that into you.”  You may only get one shot to “just hit send,” and email is not the place to toy with someone’s emotions.  Along those same lines, DO think twice before asking someone out via email (same goes for asking for someone’s hand in marriage) and DO think twice before breaking up with someone via email.  How about doing it in person instead?  I mean, don’t you want to see their face?  J

3.  DO use the Bcc (“blind carbon copy”) button wisely – it’s a rather devious mechanism. It can get you in trouble as can the “Reply to All” (Oops!).

4.   DO delete anyone who has broken your heart from your Contacts page. Not deleting them can result in emailing “under the influence” which can further result in massive disasterDO avoid it at all costs.  In fact, install “Mail Goggles” which you can find in G-Mail under “Settings” + “Labs.”  Again, delete, delete, delete… and don’t look back.

5.  DO empty your Trash folder every so often. It is masochistic to re-read it.



DON’T “Save as Draft,” unless it’s a nasty-gram to your boss (of course if you’re about to quit your job for a better one – send it – kidding).  See #1 under DO’S for the reason.  All of this electronic technology is both good and bad, depending on how we use it.  Saving as draft means you’re holding back.  Life is too short

Thanks Cavanaugh! xoxo, L&L

To read more about Cavanaugh, head on over to her website or find her on Facebook and Twitter.









What's on Julie Klam's Bucket List?

If the cover alone isn't enough to make you want to read this book, let us tell you more. You Had Me At Woof by Julie Klam is touching, funny, emotional (Lisa might have shed more than a few tears) and downright charming. And beware, this memoir is so engaging that by the end, you're going to want a Boston terrier all your own (even though Lisa's almost eight months prego, she is seriously considering rescuing one!). AND, they just announced that You Had Me at Woof made the NYT bestseller list! Woo hoo! Julie was thirty, single and wondering if she'd ever meet the man she could spend the rest of her life with. And then she met him...although he didn't look at all like what she'd expected. For starters, he had four legs... His name was Otto and he turned out to be one dog in a line of many that taught Julie the secrets of love, health and happiness. (Oh and in case you were wondering, Julie end up finding that husband too!)

And five of you will win a copy of You Had Me At Woof! Just leave a comment and we'll randomly select a winner Friday night!

Now we'll let you read Julie's bucket list. (We love it- especially the Jennifer Aniston part!)


1. Meet Jennifer Aniston-not in a stalky creepy way, more like a she wants to be my friend way and so we go have lunch and walk around Barney’s and everyone says, “Oh wow, is that Jennifer Aniston and her personal manicurist?”

2. Get an iPhone- I know it’s not such a big stretch but I feel like I’ve been waiting a long time for Verizon to get the iPhone. Should I say get an iPhone in Egypt? Is that better?

3. Go to Tahiti- I think the plane trip is really long but I would love to be in Tahiti and drink something out of a coconut. I don’t want a long flight though so it would have to be after the Star Trek transporters are put into use.

4. Get hair extensions – my hair is long but not LOOONG and I would like it to be LOOONG. I’ve had it pretty long but it was really scraggly so I think extensions would be neater. Also in  the hair category one of those Brazilian hair things that makes your hair not be frizzy (though I don’t want the one the New York Times says has poison in it, I don’t want to die for unfrizzy hair)

5. Live in an apartment with an outdoor space – I wish I had a way to let my dogs out without walking them down to the street. I don’t quite know how this would work – a terrace with Astroturf? Hmm, yes.  And maybe a little putting green.

To find out more about the incredibly talented Julie Klam and her memoir, check out her website, follow her on Twitter and Facebook and definitely watch the book trailer!


Liz & Lisa

Are you a Facebook Voyeur? By Liz

facebook I ran into an old friend the other day at Starbucks. (Where else?)  I hadn't seen him in forever and was dying to know if he had stuck it out with his latest girlfriend or went back to serial dating. (Three words: Majuh. Commitment. Phobe.) But before I could get my scoop, he started asking about my very recent trip to Hawaii and my daughters's first day of school.


Um, is this guy stalking me or something?  I mean, I was rockin' my new do'... but although it was short and sassy, it wasn't exactly stalker-worthy!

I was perplexed. But then, as he began to pellet me with questions about resorts, booze cruises and luaus, it came to me.

He was a Facebook voyeur! A social network Peeping Tom!

Now, let me just say for the record, that some of my favorite people are FB voyeurs.  They spend just as much time perusing status updates and profiles as you and I, they just don't feel the need to participate. Like me, you might even forget they are even ON Facebook until they reveal themselves the next time you see them by asking you about the caffeine or your Bachelorette addiction.  That's when you know you've got a Lookey Loo on you hands.

Fascinated by these Facebook rebels, I rang up some of my friends who fall in this category.  I just had to know why they won't even list what year they were born or give some of my sassy statuses a thumbs up. (It's just ONE click! Help a sista out here!)  I needed to see why all their wall posts go unanswered and all their fan page invitations are declined. Um, especially THIS ONE!

So now I'm ready to break it down for you.  To tell you why your second cousin never poked you back or why you'll never see pictures of their kids until you finally suck it up and attend that family reunion next summer.


Always on the run, the multi-tasker prefers to get their "booking" done via iPhone or Blackberry.  She really does want to know what you are making for dinner or how your son's soccer practice went, but actually commenting on it is a whole other story.  Basically this is the social network version of It's not you, it's me".


The High-Brower finally buckled under all the peer pressure and joined FB but wants you to know she's still too good for it.  That's why you'll never hear about her tropical vacation or find out whether she's planning on watching the new Melrose Place.  And the fact that she's traded Hemingway for Yoville?   She's planning on keeping it her dirty little secret.


Unlike attention whores like myself, she's content with keeping her networks, political views and Farmville scores a secret. But I find myself  wondering which five cities she's lived in and what her Saved By The Bell quiz results were. (Lisa Turtle, in case you were wondering...) And btw, this is also the same person who has 25 friends because she only wants to "friend" people she's actually "friends" with. Um, I didn't even know that was an option. What a concept!


Why are you on Facebook if you are trying to HIDE? I can understand an occasional block of a crazy ex-boyfriend or that over-zealous PTA mom, but to lurk around in cyberspace while no one can see you is creepy.  And was high school so bad you won't even put your graduating year?  Come on! Even I got over my huge hair and penchant for spandex pants. Show yourself already!

Xoxo, Liz