25 things Liz & Lisa want to know about Jennifer Weiner

jw-author-photo We are ecstatic that Jennifer Weiner has agreed to share her innermost secrets here at Chick Lit Is Not Dead.  Well, maybe not her innermost secrets, but we were thrilled to discover little nuggets about her. And it turns out, we share a love for the same television shows and all appreciate the word "douchebag"!  We love this woman! In fact, GOOD IN BED is one of Liz's all-time favorite books, and Lisa has read THE GUY NOT TAKEN more times than she can count.

Jennifer is the author of many fabulous Chick Lit novels including her much-anticipated new book, BEST FRIENDS FOREVER, available in just a couple weeks! We can tell from the title alone that we are going to LOVE it! Gee, we wonder why?

After her debut novel GOOD IN BED (2001); came IN HER SHOES (2002) which was turned into a major motion picture starring Cameron Diaz, Toni Collette and Shirley MacLaine; then LITTLE EARTHQUAKES (2004); GOODNIGHT NOBODY (2005); the short story collection THE GUY NOT TAKEN (2006); and CERTAIN GIRLS (2008), the sequel to GOOD IN BED. And because of all her awesomeness, there are more than 11 million copies of her books in print in 36 countries. Kind of makes us want to learn another language...

So give us a drum roll please...CHICK LIT IS NOT DEAD PRESENTS: 25 things Liz & Lisa want to know about Jennifer Weiner!

1.  Inside my purse, you'll discover: My glasses, cinnamon gum, a stray pacifier for the baby.

2.  My secret talent is: nothing I’d want to see in print!

3.  If stranded on an island, the five things I could not live without are: Prescription sunglasses, Blackberry, Carmex lip balm, my Kindle (yes, I know it’s going to kill publishing, but can’t live without it), my Kindle power cord and…wait, is there power on this island?

4.  On my nightstand you'll find: About a dozen books I’m either reading or re-reading; my Kindle, a framed picture of my older daughter (she’s six) from her first birthday.

5.  When I grew up, I wanted to be: A writer! How ‘bout that?

6.  My worst job: When I was sixteen, I worked at a really fancy (well, for suburban Connecticut it was really fancy) restaurant. My job was to walk through the tables with a wicker basket over my arm, offering diners fresh-baked biscuits and raspberry jam. I was the biscuit girl.

7.  My comfort food: Shortbread cookies, chocolate-chip cookies, linzer tarts, garlic-lemon roast chicken with mashed potatoes…and biscuits. Yes, I still love biscuits!

8.  The location where I write: Neighborhood coffee shops and cafes, my closet when I’m home

9.  Three songs on my IPOD's most played list: “You Found Me” by The Fray, “Wore Me Down” by Rachael Yamagata, the “Glee” version of “Don’t Stop Believin’”

10. If I was on the cover of US Weekly, my headline would read: “Jen’s Secret Heartache?” (If I were on the cover of Us Weekly, I can only assume it would be because someone confused me with Jennifer Aniston. In which case the headline could very well be “Jen Lets Herself Go.”)

11. The three books that make me think of my childhood:A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, Little Women, Blubber

12. My favorite Chick Flick: “Working Girl.” Has Harrison Ford ever been hotter? I could watch it every day.

13. My favorite Chick Lit book: An oldie but a goodie: SHEILA LEVINE IS DEAD AND LIVING IN NEW YORK

14. My "must see" TV: How much time have you got? Lost, Grey’s, So You Think You Can Dance, American Idol, Top Chef, Project Runway, How I Met Your Mother and How Do You Solve a Problem Like Maria

15. My Starbucks order: Calm tea in the winter, venti iced decaf with room for milk in the summer (and isn’t “Room for Milk” a great potential book title?)

16. My favorite curse word: Douchebag

17. My celebrity man crush: Alan Rickman. Shutup

18. My celebrity girl crush: Sarah Silverman

19. My writer crush: Tom Perrotta

20. My last meal before execution: Clearly, I would demand to be taken to an all-you-can-eat buffet…and then I’d just say, “Sorry, not done yet.” They’d never be able to kill me!

21. Three words to summarize my book: Great big heart

22. It took me _____  to write my book. Unspeakable quantities of dark chocolate and baked goods

23. My book's original title: It was always BFF!

24. Right now, I'm working on: Packing up the girls for our jaunt to Cape Cod

25. Chick Lit is alive & kicking because: women never get tired of reading about funny, familiar, relatable characters trying to make sense of their lives.

We can't wait to read BEST FRIENDS FOREVER, available on July 14th! Click here to pre-order your copy.  And to find out even more about the divine Jennifer Weiner, head on over to


Liz & Lisa